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Your Facility Is in Good Hands

We ensure a high level of efficiency and accessibility – the most important criteria for guaranteeing high yield

Operations and maintenance

We offer comprehensive support for the operation and administration of wind farms and solar parks. As an owner and service provider to everyone from small investors all the way to investment funds and international companies, we manage more than 10 GW of renewable energy projects and have installed a total capacity of 6 GW.

Our technical specialists handle the day-to-day management of the customer’s facilities, providing valuable support for the owners and making sure the system is running at its full potential, thus ensuring an optimal yield.

Furthermore, our asset management group handles communication with local authorities, grid operators and other relevant stakeholders. We produce obligatory environmental reports to the supervisory authorities as well as monthly and yearly status reports to our customers, providing accessibility and insight into the operation and status of the facility.

Below is a selection of the tasks our technical operations management team can provide:

  • Contact with service providers regarding ongoing, previous and future maintenance
  • Procurement of entrepreneurs, road maintenance personnel, land clearance companies, etc
  • Centralized monitoring 24/7
  • Independent review of maintenance and service work
  • Handling of warranty and insurance claims

Control centre

The staff in our international control centre monitor systems 24/7, globally. They work a triple-shift structure to ensure around-the-clock observation. This means that they can detect faults at an early stage and quickly implement effective countermeasures. Our staff speak many different languages, ensuring good communication with local service teams.

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