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We acquire Wind and Solar Project Rights

BayWa r.e. - a stable business partner!

To overview

BayWa r.e. is currently expanding in Northern Europe and beyond. In addition to developing our own projects from scratch, we also acquire and negotiate externally to diversify and expand our product portfolio. We can acquire projects that are already under development and those that have been granted permits. We also work within joint ventures.

By choosing us as a partner, you’ll have access to competent business developers and all the other resources required to successfully complete a project. We have all the necessary skills in-house, and we can work on a project from start to finish. Our strength lies in our ability to define the requirements that are placed on all actors in a project.

BayWa r.e. has financially stable owners and thus a solid business foundation that allows us to finance a project from acquisition to commercial operation.


Contact us for more information about business collaborations in Sweden and Finland.

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