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Securing Land is Crucial

Partnering with us can help you increase the yield on your land while contributing to the green revolution!

To overview

BayWa r.e. is always interested in securing leases in locations with potential for new renewable energy plants. This is a crucial prerequisite for us to develop and build new wind and solar farms.

When evaluating potential leases, our team conducts a comprehensive assessment of suitability based on technical, environmental, and community-related criteria. We also consider factors such as terrain, proximity to residential areas, site availability, and the potential for wind and solar energy generation. Additionally, an important criteria is the site’s proximity to an existing connection point on the electricity grid.

Choosing BayWa r.e. as a partner offers many advantages. We possess the expertise, experience, and financial stability necessary to make the investments required for the success of our renewable energy projects. Furthermore, we actively prioritise maintaining good communication and relationships with the local community throughout our project involvement.

Contact us today to discuss renewable energy opportunities for your land.

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