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Your Reliable Partner for Commercial Operations Management

We can help with the administration of your wind or solar plant, ensuring you get optimum return on investment

To overview

Business minds to help your project thrive

Our team of commercial operations management experts is here to help you with the administrative side of your venture. They can oversee all communication with banks, regulatory bodies, stakeholders and local authorities, as well as taking care of accounting, contracts, liquidity management and more. We’ll produce reports and supply all the information you need to keep your plant running smoothly and efficiently.

Our focus is always on maximising your return on investment, so the efficiency of your project is of the utmost importance. Our technical specialists are here to help you achieve the best possible yield and suggest any adjustments or improvements that could be made. Meanwhile our business-minded asset management specialists will analyse the conditions of your financing and other contracts to ensure the best business strategy is in place for your plant. If necessary, they can hold contract negotiations with any stakeholders on your behalf or advise you on the best service providers for your needs. And we will always make sure you are up to speed on all matters relating to company law, including organising shareholder meetings and domiciling the project company.

Keeping your costs down

Our strong financial position and our broad network of contacts mean that we can negotiate very good conditions with banks, insurers and electricity suppliers on your behalf. Keeping operating costs low means more profit and better cash flow for our customers, and there are many other ways we can help you make cost savings too:

  • Liquidity management and drawing up business plans
  • Optimising operating costs, finance and revenue
  • Reporting to investors and banks
  • Accounting and payments
  • Review of invoices
  • Supporting accountants and auditors in the creation and auditing of annual financial statements and ad hoc enquiries
  • Settlement of electricity revenues and leases
  • Generating invoices and credit notes
  • Managing insurance and claims for damages
  • Checking and implementing disbursement
  • Funds management
  • Preparing and holding shareholder meetings
  • Domiciling the project company and attending to its company management
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