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A sustainable solution for the construction of our Slageryd wind turbines

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By using locally produced wood chips for the Slageryd wind farm as an alternative solution to the standard plastic material from China, our Swedish partner, Veidekke, has managed to become twice as sustainable.

How does this work? Concrete pavements must remain warm and damp some time after construction in order to prevent from fracture – even if the temperature reaches -15 degrees or lower. This is usually done with different kinds of concrete carpets made of polyester or foam plastic. Because plastic rolls would simply roll away in Slageryd during strong winds, another solution was necessary. Our partner, Veidekke, started to seek for other methods and found the solution a couple of kilometres away at the local company, Peter Svensson Energiflis, in Hökhult who produce wood chips.

“Using wood chips is safe, sustainable and can keep the same high insulation value. For us at BayWa r.e. it feels very satisfying to have found a partner that rethinks processes like we do in order to achieve the best possible and sustainable solution in each and every situation”, says Håkan Wallin, CEO BayWa r.e. Scandinavia AB.

Our wind project in Slageryd will consist of six wind turbines that will be ready by the end of 2019. Together, they will produce 71 GWh of renewable energy which corresponds to the annual consumption of 15,000 normal-sized villas per year.

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Mark Cooper
Corporate Communications
BayWa r.e. AG
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