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local case study



With our ongoing ambition to assist in the societal transition to renewable energy, we are constantly looking for new possibilities and areas to establish wind power facilities.

local case study



With our ongoing ambition to assist in the societal transition to renewable energy, we are constantly looking for new possibilities and areas to establish wind power facilities.

Project Location

The investigation related to Ryningsnäs is still in a very early stage. Before any further action, a hearing with local residents will be held in accordance with the FSC standard's guidelines. The purpose of the hearing is to allow the commuity to voice their opinions and present valuable input to the process.

During 2021, the municipality of Hultsfred has continued the process of reevaluating their wind power strategy and in June a new proposal was presented. In the proposition, the area north east of Ryningsnäs is considered as a possible contender for hosting a wind farm.

LocationRyningsnäs, Hultsfred
StatusPreliminary Investigation
ContactBenjamin Berg
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