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In a Hybrid Project, the Production of renewable Electricity is Optimized

Integrating the generation of electricity with storage or combining various power sources offers numerous benefits

BayWa r.e. is working on different technologies to produce electricity more efficiently and make optimal use of existing infrastructures, so that we can integrate even more renewable energy into the grid. A hybrid plant can combine two power sources, like wind and solar power, or energy production with energy storage by using batteries at a wind or solar park.

Wind and solar energy complement each other well, as they produce the most at different times of the day and year, resulting in a smoother production curve and plants that are more profitable overall. 

Supplementing an existing wind farm with a solar farm allows land that is already used for energy production to be used more efficiently. A solar farm can be built stand-alone or connected to an existing wind farm's electricity grid. This is cost-effective and allows the plant to be built faster.  

You can read more about two of our planned hybrid projects in Sweden, where an existing wind farm is supplemented with a solar farm, at the links below: 

We are happy to discuss opportunities for collaboration on hybrid plants.  

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