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Battery Storage secures Access to more Renewable Energy

A battery plant can be freestanding or built as a complement to a renewable energy production farm

Batteries store electricity that can be used to stabilize the grid very quickly when supply and demand do not match; for example, if electricity production from a wind or solar farm suddenly decreases, or if a large industrial customer suddenly increases its consumption. As such, battery storage systems are very important for the integration of renewable energy into the electricity grid.  

BayWa r.e. is involved in the development of grid-scale battery installations, which can be stand-alone or complementary to a renewable energy production farm. We have recently secured our first land lease agreements that will enable us to build battery storage facilities and our ambition is to gear up this work even more in the future. 

If you own land in the vicinity of a transformer station, we are happy to discuss with you the possibility of leasing a part of it.

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