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Green Hydrogen: A Key Solution for the Energy Transition

Green hydrogen contributes to an energy system with more predictable, renewable energy

Hydrogen is a valuable fuel which can be used for energy transportation and storage, and can be produced from numerous renewable energy sources, like wind or solar power.. Accordingly, hydrogen has great potential as an energy carrier in renewable energy systems. One hydrogen transport pipeline can transfer as much energy as 15 power lines. 

For example, green hydrogen storage can make wind power a more predictable energy source, as surplus wind energy can be converted to hydrogen energy (yhrough electrolysis i.e., electrochemical water-splitting) and then made available when the wind is not blowing. In this way, green hydrogen helps to make wind power more predictable, and the industry become fossil-free.  

At BayWa r.e, we are closely following the development of green hydrogen technology, and several global initiatives are underway to accelerate its integration with renewable energy sources. In Sweden, we also have ongoing pilot projects seeking to scale-up such work in the short term.  

We are happy to discuss opportunities for cooperation regarding hydrogen energy technology.  

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