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local case study



The 100 kWp solar plant comprises approximately 670 m2 solar cell surface split on 402 panels which are expected to produce 92 MWh/year, equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 18 residential houses.

The solar plant is established at the Engaholm estate on top of an existing barn roof facing south.

100 kWp of installed capacity
92 MWh of annual output
402 solar panels

local case study



The 100 kWp solar plant comprises approximately 670 m2 solar cell surface split on 402 panels which are expected to produce 92 MWh/year, equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 18 residential houses.

The solar plant is established at the Engaholm estate on top of an existing barn roof facing south.

100 kWp of installed capacity
92 MWh of annual output
402 solar panels

Project Location


"It is a great satisfaction that Engaholm achieved its goal of becoming self-sufficient in renewable energy. The initiative is in line with Engaholm's strategy to operate in sustainable activities such as renewable energy. The solar system is the first of several initiatives in the area. The choice of BayWa r.e. was easy given our long and excellent collaboration."

Anders Koskull, Engaholm
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